Do you give yourself any ADMIN time in your business? I know how
easy it can be to just go go go and work on the day to day but it's
so key to actually pause and carve out time to think, plan and
dream in your business!
If you can carve out even 30 minutes a week to get some admin
time, you can be less reactive and more proactive and get things
What are some things you should do during your admin
Catch up on emails and looming small tasks
Plan out the next month or quarter
Reconfigure your time blocks to fit in time for what you
Make a plan for next week or a quadrant brain dump
Check out any business or financial reconciliation
and more
What are some admin tasks you keep putting off that you need
to get into your admin block? On the podcast this week, I share
more about these and how you can find time to put them into your
work day!
The Purpose Driven Mom Show is for all moms - stay at home moms, work at home moms, or working moms! The goal is to help you find systems and routines to manage your home, go after your goals, feel less stressed and have more joy in your home and parenting!