Nov 14, 2019
Today we tackle how to change your money mindset so that you can change your family's legacy. Our money mindsets are deep rooted and many of them start at childhood. Today, let's chat about how you can start to change the way you see money!
All shownotes are at
Thank you to today's sponsor Woosh Beauty. Use the code PURPOSE25 at checkout for 25% off. Click here to grab the Fold Out Face and MORE!
48: Review of the Week
5:15 What is a money mindset?
7:10 Cara's money story
16:36 Thanks to our sponsor Woosh Beauty! Use code PURPOSE25 at checkout for 25% off
18:31 Digging into your money mindset (scroll down to download the Money Mindset Workbook)
25:40 How your parents relationship with money impacts your money mindset
32:00 What vision do you have for your financial future?
33:10 Making sense of tithing
35:09 How to move forward with your money mindset
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