Setting Workshop Series a FREE Live Training Virtual Event.
Adjusting your 2020 goals to end the year strong! How can you make
the rest of 2020 --- the year you get done what matters!
the Free Video Series to Reset Your 2020 Goals: http://apurposedrivenmom.com/goalsetting
of starting the year overwhelmed, unsure of what goals you should
work on, and feeling behind - let's finish the year with
As busy
moms, we often put our own goals on the back burner or don't spend
any time even creating them. How often does the month or year-end
and we ask ourselves "what did I even accomplish?"
time to ditch the overwhelm and spend time figuring out what
actually matters for you for the rest of the year! 2020 has felt
like a game of Jumanji - but it's not time to throw in the towel!
Let's pivot and adjust your plan together!