Oct 15, 2020
Struggling with money mindset? Today we are talking about money
mindset and money trauma and how both are the leveraging factor to
what you do and think about money.
What happened to you in your childhood around financials ---
whether it's what your parents did or said about money, can affect
your money mindset today. We are going to dig deep with money
mindset because that is what is actually driving your financial
When we can't stick to a budget what is actually going on is that
you can feel like you are lacking on all fronts for self discipline
and feel like there is something wrong with you and it becomes your
identity that you are not good enough where it's actually a lot of
the experience and examples that were shown to you in the past.
Which have become how you think about money and yourself. Stripping
it down to how we can flip that money mindset script to the
positive, as well as where to start is what Stephanie talks about
A PURPOSE DRIVEN MOM SHOW NOTES: apurposedrivenmom.com/podcast74/