Oct 14, 2021
Today we are flipping the scripts and we are sharing an
interview that Cara did on the Zen Mom Summit. Cara is spilling all
her secrets of how to break your goals down in the busy mom life
you have going on.
Now we know that you probably hear Cara talk about this subject
pretty much every other episode --- but this is a topic that we are
passionate about and we definitely bear repeating because it's the
foundation work that is needed for busy-mom-crushing-her-goals
Even seasoned Purpose Driven Mom Club members that are in our
membership say that they love to hear things multiple times because
they learn and hear different things every single time.
What you need TODAY --- your brain will filter through. Same with
these concepts that Cara teaches. They are universal and they will
help you break down the overwhelm and smash through your goals.
If you have a goal that you want to accomplish before this year
ends, then this episode is for you.
A PURPOSE DRIVEN MOM SHOW NOTES: apurposedrivenmom.com/podcast167/