Oct 21, 2021
How can you make getting dressed easier and feel more put
together in the process? Today we are talking about the “mom
uniform” and how to get dressed with intention, even as a mom that
probably doesn’t see many people throughout her day.
This is a really fun episode going over all the ways you can be
playing small when you are not confident in your clothes. Let’s
ditch the “why-bother-to-care” attitude and let's change that
mental conversation.
If you are a mom that wants to get her groove back and is tired of
feeling frumpy and needs a little bit of help then this episode is
for you.
-Navigating personal style postpartum?
-Closet full of clothes and nothing to wear?
-Thinking about breastfeeding and pregnancy weight gain and weight
-Change of schedule?
Reclaim your style as a busy mom.
Moms across the board, when they get dressed on purpose and with
ease in clothes that actually fit them and in preplanned outfits to
highlight their personal style in an easy way --- it has this
domino effect across the board of their marriage, families,
volunteering etc. Listen to this episode to hear the why and
A PURPOSE DRIVEN MOM SHOW NOTES: apurposedrivenmom.com/podcast169/