Feb 17, 2022
Are you standing in your own way of success with goals? Maybe
you make goals but never actually achieve them? If yes, we want you
to know — it’s not your fault!
And here’s why …
We have had years, and years of conditioning placed on us, with
other people's (and our own) expectations, about what we should and
shouldn't do!
What happens if you actually achieve an amazing goal?
Would a relationship change, or your partner not approve?
Would you have to set some boundaries for the first time?
Would you cross a goal off your list because you never really
wanted it in the first palace?
Today you are getting a sneak peek into the Purpose Driven Mom Club
Plus Program - this is a group coaching program that started in
January 2022 and it’s for moms that are already in the Purpose
Driven Mom Club. These ladies have already gone through the
S.O.A.R. framework that Cara teaches and they are struggling with
self-sabotage and limiting beliefs.
How do you determine your true desires when there is so much noise
in your minds?!
In this episode, Cara is going to dive deep into that question and
talk about limiting beliefs, thought patterns, and how to get to
the bottom of what YOU truly want with your life. #notothers
We are going to ditch putting a million things on our plate because
we think we are "supposed" to work on them all.
Not anymore! Let's get started!
The 15 Minute Formula Book by: Cara Harvey
A PURPOSE DRIVEN MOM SHOW NOTES: apurposedrivenmom.com/podcast202/