Aug 22, 2019
Whether you've done your back to school shopping or not - today's episode will give you a ton of tips on how to save on back to school clothes! Today, I'll share how to get the best deals, what your kids need for back to school and how to save the money money on kid's clothes!
4:00 Visit our Show's Sponsor - Rakuten and get $10!
6:15 Why we spend money on back to school supplies - and why we shouldn't!
9:07 How to change your mindset about shopping
10:15 Doing an assessment on what your kids have now
17:09 Creating a sinking fund for back to school
27:00 Saving money with online shopping
31:36 Where can you shop to get kid's clothes cheap?
36:40 Using a capsule wardrobe with your kid's clothing
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Organize Your Life with Trello
Busy on a Budget E-Course (use code PODCAST20 for 20% off!)
Budget Masterclass (only $7 for podcast listeners!)
Simple 12 Week Holiday Savings Plan
Kick your Debt to the Curb Challenge
How to Change Your Money Mindset
6 Ways to Make Money without doing surveys
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