Jan 31, 2022
What happens when you feel like you’re goals are not working for
you?! Are you a goal failure?! No! When things happen and your
goals are just not getting done there is a way forward. A tool that
Cara loves to call “goal audits”.
Learn how to adjust your goals and use a goals audit to make a plan
that works for you. Goal auditing is something that a lot of people
don’t want to do because it takes some time. But when you become a
detective about your goals, you will find that you’re going to be
much more successful at achieving your goals. Because you are not
just saying that goals don’t work for you, you are diving into the
next level of why this goal is not working for you right now.
Listen in.
The 15 Minute Formula Book by: Cara Harvey
A PURPOSE DRIVEN MOM SHOW NOTES: apurposedrivenmom.com/podcast197/