Feb 11, 2021
Starting a family business is not always easy. Different
personalities, ideas, and even individual goals can be challenging
when it comes to making decisions at the moment of running the
In today's episode with Gaby Grinberg, we'll talk about starting a
business and working with your partner. After the challenges that
Gaby and her husband went through when their daughter was born and
suddenly being fired from their jobs, they decided to run a
business together that remains to this day.
Gaby shares her personal experiences as an entrepreneurial mother
and we chat about the challenges of working from home, how to start
a family business, how working from home can affect children and
the need for barriers between home and work.
This episode will give you the necessary tools to help you keep
your relationship away from getting mixed up with business and get
the best results in both. Listen in!
A PURPOSE DRIVEN MOM SHOW NOTES: apurposedrivenmom.com/podcast97/