Apr 26, 2020
Where are our teacher-moms at? This episode is for you! To
encourage you through the burnout and the chaos of life right now
as we are in a time of global crisis. We are here to support you
with some tips and strategies on how you can thrive at home
balancing being a teacher and a mom.
Not a teacher-mom? No problem!
Listen in as Cara dives deep with this topic of thriving in mom's life with Kristin. Find out where to start when you have a passion project or new business ... just for you!
Fill up that mom cup starting right now!
FREE TRELLO MASTERCLASS: CHECKLIST: www.apurposedrivenmom.com/trello-webinar-428
A PURPOSE DRIVEN MOM SHOW NOTES: apurposedrivenmom.com/podcastbonus1/