Oct 20, 2022
Today, you didn't get to see what it's like to be a part of a
coaching call here in the Purpose Driven Mom Club. People were
asking what coaching is like inside the group, and we wanted to
show it.
So we went live with five of our incredible club members who
were open and willing to go on and show the framework.
We do coaching calls in the club daily. We have them in
different time zones hosted by different coaches on my team so that
you can get on and get support. Last week we had 70 members jump
into coaching calls to get the support, and each week it just grows
the number of people who are utilizing this incredible
Calls are about 60 minutes and in today’s episode, you'll get
to see what they're like. We always use the same structure.
-You share your wins
-then you go through and tell us what you worked on
Here's the thing that's different about the Purpose Driven Mom
Club. We are gonna hold you accountable.
We troubleshoot personal goals.
We troubleshoot business goals.
What we talked about a lot today in this coaching call were
the business goals, but we also help you if you have a decluttering
goal or you're trying to improve your morning routine, we'll help
you break down how to get your ebook started or create a habit of
posting every day on Instagram.
The 15 Minute Formula Book by: Cara Harvey